
Wednesday 9 July 2014

Flowers, foliage and a friend

 With the warm sun on our backs, tea in our bellies and flowers in our hands, my sweet friend Nia and I pretended to be florists for the day. Our flower crowns and wintery foliage wreath creations will all to be posted soon. In the mean time, let me share a little sneaky tip I heard the other day about poppies.

When we buy a bunch of poppies they usually come with quite a few closed buds which we have to wait to open. But! If you are impatient like me and want to see their beauty right away you can delicately open them up. Peel off the green outside of the bud and gently open the petals with your fingers. Lightly blow on the inside and voila! Now, you can enjoy their beauty as soon as you bring them home! Thank you to Nia for these lovely photos, you most definitely have a hidden talent in photography!

Now, let's just take a moment to admire this gorgeous new blog design! Oh my heart!!! Let's just say it's a complete step up in all ways! You can now actually comment on posts! Phew. Thanks for reading!


  1. I love poppies! I pass by a small poppy garden on the way up to my gym. I find their petals to delicate - they fall off so easily - so I don't know if I'm game enough to peel them back!

    1. Jess, a poppy garden sounds beautiful!! Giving me inspiration for our garden one day!

  2. This blog of yours is looking great! Love the layout :) Thanks for a lovely day and let's do it again SOON x


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